Read These, too!

Why Spell?

SCHOOLHOUSE Learning Solutions

 Program Philosophy

Read Professor Olson's discussion of why these programs were developed, the philosophy on which they are based, the curriculum structure of the programs, and the reasons these programs really work. Click on the titles you wish to read.

Spelling isn't important - we have a spell checker in our word processor ....
Many of us have spelling checkers on our computers, and we have become careless with our spelling. We naturally expect that our software will catch all our errors. Dr. Olson's poem shows you why you need to know how to spell some pretty basic words.

Learning to Spell is an article written by Dr. Miles Olson that explains why conventional spelling instruction is so often unsuccessful. In the article, he also outlines the instructional program on which the Schoolhouse Learning Solutions spelling program is based.

Why these Programs Work explains the effectiveness of the Schoolhouse Learning Solutions Programs. Dr. Olson contrasts our programs with the "edutainment" programs and explains why so many programs simply do not work